
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Global Trade Infor mation

Code                         Abrivation                                                    
HTS                        -Harmonized Tariff Schedule


QP/WP                   -- Record idenitifier only 

ABI                           Automated Broker Interface

NAFTA                     Nort America Free Trade Agreement

CBP                         Customs and Border Protection

BOM                       Bill of Material

CBPF                     Customs Border Protection Form

Recon                      reconciliation

ACS                       Automate Commercial System

SCAC                     Standard Carier Alpha Code

AMS                        Automated Manifest System

Air Cargo Advanced Screening (ACAS) Initiative (PDF 320.58 KB)

Automated Export System (AES) Service


Excise Movement Control Systems (EMCS)


Import Control Systems (ICS)


Importer Security Filing (ISF) (PDF 267.8 KB)

ACE                     Automated Commercial Environment

Quality Performance

service bureaus (SB) 

GTK Foreign Trade Zone Product Features
GTkonnect FTZ software solution aims to automate your zone related data management and
transactions to the maximum possible extent by not only reconciling with your inventory BoM
data, but also by integrating with your other systems and your partners to reduce data entry.
Some salient features of GTKonnect FTZ software are:
 Ability to integrate your BoM data or your inventory consumption data to track inventory and
avoid manual entry and reconciliation
 Inventory reconciliation with your system on a daily basis
 High level of flexibility to accommodate your complex manufacturing processes and its use of
inventory towards products including exports, domestic, and ancillaries.
 High level of flexibility to integrate with your existing systems and unique identifiers for your
parts data to automate what falls within the zone purview.
 Ability to do weekly estimate tracking, anti-dumping tracking and combined NAFTA entries
 Comprehensive audit trail
 Unified web browser user interface and platform provides the ability to manage all zone
operations for a either single site or multiple subzones, as well as multiple customers in a
general purpose zone or any combination
 Automatically populate Advanced Shipment Notification (ASN) data by integrating with your
partners including carriers, freight forwarders, vessel operators etc.
 Integration with your CHB
 Ability to do individual and weekly Entries (CBPF 3461 and CBPF 7501)
 Ability to generate annual CBP Reconciliation Reports and FTZ Board Report
 Generate Quarterly Harbor Maintenance Fee Data Report
 Supports CBPF 7512 (in-bond documentation) and QP/WP transmissions
 Provides the ability to generate other custom reports
 Direct submission of e-214
 Direct submission of QP/WP (electronic in-bond transactions)
 ABI and ACE approved

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