string inputString = "abc";
int numValue;
bool parsed = Int32.TryParse(inputString, out numValue);
if (!parsed)
Console.WriteLine("Int32.TryParse could not parse '{0}' to an int.\n", inputString);
// Output: Int32.TryParse could not parse 'abc' to an int.
LINQ to Datatable
private static DataTable JoinDataTablesWithLinq()
var query = from inv in _tblInvoice.AsEnumerable()
join item in _tblLineItem.AsEnumerable()
on inv["InvoiceId"] equals item["InvoiceId"]
select new
CustomerName = inv["CustomerName"],
ItemName = item["ItemName"],
Quantity = item["Quantity"]
return query.CopyToDataTable();
public DataTable LINQToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T> varlist)
{ DataTable dtReturn = new DataTable();
// column names PropertyInfo[] oProps = null;
if (varlist == null) return dtReturn; foreach (T rec in varlist)
{ // Use reflection to get property names, to create table, Only first time, others
will follow if (oProps == null)
oProps = ((Type)rec.GetType()).GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
{ Type colType = pi.PropertyType; if ((colType.IsGenericType) && (colType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() ==typeof(Nullable<>)))
colType = colType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
dtReturn.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(pi.Name, colType));
} DataRow dr = dtReturn.NewRow(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
dr[pi.Name] = pi.GetValue(rec, null) == null ?DBNull.Value :pi.GetValue (rec,null);
} return dtReturn;
Another way to convert linq to data table
public DataTable ToDataTable(System.Data.Linq.DataContext ctx, object query){ if (query == null)
{ throw new ArgumentNullException("query");
IDbCommand cmd = ctx.GetCommand(query as IQueryable); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = (SqlCommand)cmd; DataTable dt = new DataTable("sd");
try {
adapter.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source);
} finally {
cmd.Connection.Close(); } return dt;
Another way using linq to conversion
var vrCountry = from country in objEmpDataContext.CountryMaster
select new {country.CountryID,country.CountryName};
DataTable dt = LINQToDataTable(objEmpDataContext,vrCountry);
To implement the custom CopyToDataTable<T> methods in your application
public class ObjectShredder<T>
private System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] _fi;
private System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] _pi;
private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, int> _ordinalMap;
private System.Type _type;
// ObjectShredder constructor.
public ObjectShredder()
_type = typeof(T);
_fi = _type.GetFields();
_pi = _type.GetProperties();
_ordinalMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
/// <summary>
/// Loads a DataTable from a sequence of objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The sequence of objects to load into the DataTable.</param>
/// <param name="table">The input table. The schema of the table must match that
/// the type T. If the table is null, a new table is created with a schema
/// created from the public properties and fields of the type T.</param>
/// <param name="options">Specifies how values from the source sequence will be applied to
/// existing rows in the table.</param>
/// <returns>A DataTable created from the source sequence.</returns>
public DataTable Shred(IEnumerable<T> source, DataTable table, LoadOption? options)
// Load the table from the scalar sequence if T is a primitive type.
if (typeof(T).IsPrimitive)
return ShredPrimitive(source, table, options);
// Create a new table if the input table is null.
if (table == null)
table = new DataTable(typeof(T).Name);
// Initialize the ordinal map and extend the table schema based on type T.
table = ExtendTable(table, typeof(T));
// Enumerate the source sequence and load the object values into rows.
using (IEnumerator<T> e = source.GetEnumerator())
while (e.MoveNext())
if (options != null)
table.LoadDataRow(ShredObject(table, e.Current), (LoadOption)options);
table.LoadDataRow(ShredObject(table, e.Current), true);
// Return the table.
return table;
public DataTable ShredPrimitive(IEnumerable<T> source, DataTable table, LoadOption? options)
// Create a new table if the input table is null.
if (table == null)
table = new DataTable(typeof(T).Name);
if (!table.Columns.Contains("Value"))
table.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(T));
// Enumerate the source sequence and load the scalar values into rows.
using (IEnumerator<T> e = source.GetEnumerator())
Object[] values = new object[table.Columns.Count];
while (e.MoveNext())
values[table.Columns["Value"].Ordinal] = e.Current;
if (options != null)
table.LoadDataRow(values, (LoadOption)options);
table.LoadDataRow(values, true);
// Return the table.
return table;
public object[] ShredObject(DataTable table, T instance)
FieldInfo[] fi = _fi;
PropertyInfo[] pi = _pi;
if (instance.GetType() != typeof(T))
// If the instance is derived from T, extend the table schema
// and get the properties and fields.
ExtendTable(table, instance.GetType());
fi = instance.GetType().GetFields();
pi = instance.GetType().GetProperties();
// Add the property and field values of the instance to an array.
Object[] values = new object[table.Columns.Count];
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
values[_ordinalMap[f.Name]] = f.GetValue(instance);
foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi)
values[_ordinalMap[p.Name]] = p.GetValue(instance, null);
// Return the property and field values of the instance.
return values;
public DataTable ExtendTable(DataTable table, Type type)
// Extend the table schema if the input table was null or if the value
// in the sequence is derived from type T.
foreach (FieldInfo f in type.GetFields())
if (!_ordinalMap.ContainsKey(f.Name))
// Add the field as a column in the table if it doesn't exist
// already.
DataColumn dc = table.Columns.Contains(f.Name) ? table.Columns[f.Name]
: table.Columns.Add(f.Name, f.FieldType);
// Add the field to the ordinal map.
_ordinalMap.Add(f.Name, dc.Ordinal);
foreach (PropertyInfo p in type.GetProperties())
if (!_ordinalMap.ContainsKey(p.Name))
// Add the property as a column in the table if it doesn't exist
// already.
DataColumn dc = table.Columns.Contains(p.Name) ? table.Columns[p.Name]
: table.Columns.Add(p.Name, p.PropertyType);
// Add the property to the ordinal map.
_ordinalMap.Add(p.Name, dc.Ordinal);
// Return the table.
return table;
public static class CustomLINQtoDataSetMethods
public static DataTable CopyToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
return new ObjectShredder<T>().Shred(source, null, null);
public static DataTable CopyToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
DataTable table, LoadOption? options)
return new ObjectShredder<T>().Shred(source, table, options);
Convert datatable to list
List<MyClassObject> liMyClassObject=myConvesionObject.GetDetails(yourdatatable);
class myConvesionObject
public List<MyClassObject> GetDetails(DataTable dtDetails)
return MyConversionClass.ConvertToList<MyClassObject>(dtDetails);
STEP 3: my conversion class
public static class MyConversionClass
/// <summary>
/// Convert DataTable ToList
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="table"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<T> ConvertToList<T>(this DataTable table) where T : new()
Type t = typeof(T);
// Create a list of the entities we want to return
List<T> returnObject = new List<T>();
// Iterate through the DataTable's rows
foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
// Convert each row into an entity object and add to the list
T newRow = dr.ConvertToEntity<T>();
// Return the finished list
return returnObject;
/// <summary>
/// ConvertTo Entity
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="tableRow"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static T ConvertToEntity<T>(this DataRow tableRow) where T : new()
// Create a new type of the entity I want
Type t = typeof(T);
T returnObject = new T();
foreach (DataColumn col in tableRow.Table.Columns)
string colName = col.ColumnName;
// Look for the object's property with the columns name, ignore case
PropertyInfo pInfo = t.GetProperty(colName.ToUpper(),
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
// did we find the property ?
if (pInfo != null)
object val = tableRow[colName];
// is this a Nullable<> type
bool IsNullable = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pInfo.PropertyType) != null);
if (IsNullable)
if (val is System.DBNull)
val = null;
// Convert the db type into the T we have in our Nullable<T> type
val = Convert.ChangeType
(val, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pInfo.PropertyType));
// Convert the db type into the type of the property in our entity
val = Convert.ChangeType(val, pInfo.PropertyType);
// Set the value of the property with the value from the db
pInfo.SetValue(returnObject, val.ToString().Trim().ToUpper(), null);
//pInfo.SetValue(returnObject, val.ToString().ToUpper(), null);
// return the entity object with values
return returnObject;
/// <summary>
/// Convert DataRow[] ToList
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="table"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<T> ConvertToList<T>(this DataRow[] dtRows) where T : new()
Type t = typeof(T);
// Create a list of the entities we want to return
List<T> returnObject = new List<T>();
// Iterate through the DataTable's rows
foreach (DataRow dr in dtRows)
// Convert each row into an entity object and add to the list
T newRow = dr.ConvertToEntity<T>();
// Return the finished list
return returnObject;
public static List<EntityClass> ConvertGridEntity<T>(this List<T> liValues, int Pno, int RecPage, List<string> listr) where T : new()
Type t = typeof(T);
Type Et = typeof(EntityClass);
// Create a list of the entities we want to return
List<EntityClass> returnObject = new List<EntityClass>();
Type gType = typeof(T);
int licount = liValues.Count;
int StartInd = ((Pno) * RecPage + 1);
int EndInd = Convert.ToInt32(((Pno + 1) * RecPage) > licount ? licount : ((Pno + 1) * RecPage));
for (int ind = StartInd; ind <= EndInd; ind++)
T genType = liValues[ind - 1];
EntityClass EC = new EntityClass();
PropertyInfo[] EntitypropInfo = EC.GetType().GetProperties();
//EntityClass E = new EntityClass();
PropertyInfo[] propInfo = genType.GetType().GetProperties();
Array.Sort(propInfo, new DeclarationOrderComparator());
int j = 0;
foreach (string str in listr)
int i = Convert.ToInt32(str);
j = j + 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string.Format("{0}", propInfo[i].GetValue(genType, null)))&&j<16)
var value = propInfo[i].GetValue(genType, null).ToString().ToUpper();
// Look for the object's property with the columns name, ignore case
PropertyInfo pInfo = Et.GetProperty("C" + j + "",
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
//pInfo.SetValue(genType, value, i);
pInfo.SetValue(EC, value, null);
// Return the finished list
return returnObject;
public class DeclarationOrderComparator : IComparer
int IComparer.Compare(Object x, Object y)
PropertyInfo first = x as PropertyInfo;
PropertyInfo second = y as PropertyInfo;
if (first.MetadataToken < second.MetadataToken)
return -1;
else if (first.MetadataToken > second.MetadataToken)
return 1;
return 0;
List<myListClass> mylistObjects=new List<myListClass>();
string mystringxml=myclassconversion.PrepareSaveXml(mylistObjects)
class myclassconversion
public string PrepareSaveXml(List<myListClass> liValues)
return ListToXMLCLass.GetXml<myListClass>(liValues, "RootNode", "ChildNode");
public static class ListToXMLCLass
/// <summary>
/// Preparing Save XML string with GenericType
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="liValues"></param>
/// <param name="parentRoot"></param>
/// <param name="childRoot"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetXml<T>(List<T> liValues,string parentRoot,string childRoot)
XDocument xDoc = new XDocument();
var partentRoot = new XElement(parentRoot);
foreach (T genType in liValues)
PropertyInfo[] propInfo = genType.GetType().GetProperties();
var childroot = new XElement(childRoot);
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propInfo)
if (prop.PropertyType.FullName.ToUpper() == typeof(System.String).ToString().ToUpper() || prop.PropertyType.FullName.ToUpper() == typeof(System.Int32).ToString().ToUpper() || prop.PropertyType.FullName.ToUpper() == typeof(System.Double).ToString().ToUpper())
if (prop.Name.ToLower() != "parentrootnode" && prop.Name.ToLower() != "parentnode" && prop.Name.ToLower() != "childnode")
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string.Format("{0}", prop.GetValue(genType, null))))
childroot.SetAttributeValue(prop.Name, GTKString.ToEscapeSpecialChars(prop.GetValue(genType, null).ToString()));
return xDoc.ToString();
public static XElement GetEntityXml<T>(T genClass, string RootNode)
XDocument xDoc = new XDocument();
PropertyInfo[] propInfo = genClass.GetType().GetProperties();
var childroot = new XElement(RootNode);
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propInfo)
if (prop.Name.ToLower() != "parentrootnode" && prop.Name.ToLower() != "parentnode" && prop.Name.ToLower() != "childnode")
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(string.Format("{0}", prop.GetValue(genClass, null))))
childroot.SetAttributeValue(prop.Name, GTKString.ToEscapeSpecialChars(prop.GetValue(genClass, null).ToString()));
return childroot;
September 29th, 2005 at 10:45 pm [...] In case anyone reads this on the main page instead of in an aggregator.. I’m trying out a different theme. It’s wider, so code snippets don’t wrap. I wanted to make my String Formatting in C# page look good since searching for how to do sprintf type formatting in C# is how most people find this site. [...]
October 30th, 2005 at 9:24 pm Great resource! This is definitely a handy reference page I’ve added to my favorites. However, I did notice a minor error.
The following:
String.Format(“{0:(###) ###-####}”, 18005551212);
Produces (1800) 555-1212 and not (800) 555-1212.
Otherwise, great information.